been in her den for at least a moon,” the chief Bramblethorn remarked.
“Bramblethorn, she’s lost her best friend, wouldn’t you be upset too?!” a gray
tabby tom named Wolfeye remarked, “Snowstorm even SAW him die. You would be
scarred for life if that happened to you.” “I suppose your right. Do you think
Snowstorm would like to go on a boarder check or hunting party?” Bramblethorn
asked. Wolfeye replied “give it a shot, it might work.”
Bramblethorn then
padded away to the warriors den. He peeked inside. Only one gray speckled
she-cat sat on the edge of the den wall. “Um…uh, hi, um, Snowstorm.”
Bramblethorn stammered. Act calm and
don’t stutter mousebrain. Snowstorm turned her head to look at her chief.
“Yes?” she replied calmly. “Uh, I was wondering if you would want to go out on
a hunt or something.”
Snowstorm thought about it for a moment. “I guess,” she
said, “I haven’t been out side the den-site for almost a moon.” At that she
padded out of the den. Bramblethorn noticed something different about the
she-cat. As she walked out of the den her belly looked bigger then normal. It’s nothing he told himself.
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